Payment Options
PLEASE NOTE:  Payment Due within 15 Business Days of EACH Quarterly ERC Refund Payment.

Wiring Option (Best Option):

Simply go into your bank and provide them with the wiring info below:

IMPORTANT: You Must Include Your Company EIN  in the Wiring Notes

Beneficiary Company: New Shoes Enterprises, LLC

Beneficiary Company Address: 9375 E Shea Blvd #100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank

Bank Address:420 Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94104
Please note: The address that appears may vary based on your location.

Credit Card Option (Small Amounts Only):

IMPORTANT: An additional 2.9% processing may be applied. 

Cashier Check Option (not recommended):

IMPORTANT: This option will cause delays. Cashier’s checks are not a reliable option. 

You Must Include Your Company EIN  in the Check Notes

Company Name: New Shoes Enterprises, LLC

Company Address: 9375 E Shea Blvd Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

NOTE:  There is a mandatory 10 business-day hold on cashier’s checks. Banks can and do place holds on cashier’s check funds if the total amount of cashier’s checks deposited in a single day exceeds $5,525, or if they suspect fraud for ANY reason.

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